Rates are provided for information and as a general guideline. To obtain a quote, please use the link below or use our contact page. We have a “NO SURPRISE POLICY”
Our Rates:
- From EUR 85.00/ Hour (Lead or participant role)
- For locations which are considered High Risk – Rates to be discussed
- We also offer Day rates/ Lump Sum Price – All inclusive and no surprises
- First time clients will receive a 10% discount (Travel/ accommodation and per diem is excluded)
- Travel and accommodation – According to client policy or agreed rates
- Per diem – According to Client policy or 50 EUR per day
General terms:
- Invoices in EUR or USD, unless otherwise agreed.
- VAT exempt
- Day rates are based on < 5 Hours = ½ day, >5 hrs = 1 Day
Work performed on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)/ Norway
- Work performed in Norway can be offered/ managed through JV AUDIT AS (NO ORG 917 339 112 MVA) in NOK + VAT
- JVAUDIT AS is a subsidiary of TJAVR Consulting Ltd.